KOINONIA (Eternity Network International) is a weekly apostolic, prophetic, and evangelistic meeting where passionate believers from all over Zaria and other parts of Nigeria come to experience an atmosphere of TRUE WORSHIP, the WORD, MIRACLES, and LOVE. Founded in March 2011, where believers experience true intimacy with the Holy Spirit and are empowered to be ambassadors of God’s life and power. It is a convergence of an end-time army of Spirit-filled, Kingdom-minded, thoroughly trained believers with a passion to see God’s kingdom come and become agents of National Transformation-taking the value system of the Kingdom to every strata and sector of human existence. The meeting is organized by Eternity Network International (E.N.I), an apostolic ministry committed to replicating the fullness of God’s life on earth.
Great Grace and Glory
Let the Seal be Broken
Conquering Cosmos
Reigning with Christ
Spiritual Perception
Intercession for Nigeria
Living Portal
Fasting and Prayer
Prophetic Service
Joint Heirs with Christ
God’s Present Order 1
God’s Present Order 2
Faith in the Faithfulness of God
Fasting and Prayer
Yielding to More of the Anointing
The Apostate Church
Exposition on the Book of Ephesians 1
Exposition on the Book of Ephesians 3
Importance and Omnipotence of Prayer
Sound the Alarm
Praying into Greatness
Knowing God Experientially
The Living Logos
The Full Gospel 1
The Full Gospel 2
The Full Gospel 3
Common Acts that Brings Uncommon Blessing
The Victorious Mindset
Walking in Purpose
Invading the Systems
Commanding Results
Common Acts that Brings Uncommon Blessing
The Victorious Mindset
Walking in Purpose
Invading the Systems
Commanding Results
Praying into Greatness
Source: Koinonia 2012 Audio Messages with Apostle Joshua Selman