Rev Sam Adeyemi
Two things that the Holy Spirit will do for you in terms of leadership:
Number one, the Holy Spirit will help you to build character. Every leader needs that, you take character away, there is nothing left of a leader.
If a leader is very intelligent, highly skilled and competent but has no character, all you got is an intelligent crook.
David led Israel by the integrity of his heart and by the skillfulness of his hands. Two things: integrity, skillfulness, character, competence so we describe it as the fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5:22 and 23.
The Holy Spirit gives us the capacity to love, even those who hate us, He gives us the capacity for joy when circumstances are not right, He gives us the capacity for peace.
The Holy Spirit gives us the capacity for kindness, when people are treating us and others harshly, He gives us the capacity for generosity.
As things become difficult, people will become more selfish, more self-centered but I’m telling you when you are filled with the Holy Ghost, he gives you the capacity to give crazily.
You see it there, in Acts chapter 2, by the time you get to the end, the bible said those people were selling their lands and selling their houses to make sure nobody went to bed hungry.
Did I hear you say, Amen to that?
We’re going to be giving now like nobody ever gave before. What some people spent all their lives acquiring, we’ll give with one cheque.
Some will faint seeing us do that, some will get angry.
A lot of people who complain about the wealth in the church are greedy people, they just don’t want to confess, they are very greedy, that’s why they’re jealous they’re envious.
The thing is we don’t use the money for what they use it for.
We use the money to take care of people because we are motivated by love. The Holy Spirit also gives you the capacity for self-control, which’s part of the fruit of the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit, Self-control.
Why? Jesus said lawlessness will increase, sin will explode, sexual immorality on the rampage, the technology God gave, you know the wisdom God gave to man for technology, Satan is also leveraging on it, to influence people’s thinking.
Many people don’t know that their number one sex organ is not physical, it’s the mind.
When you see pornography because sex is very attractive, it’s the Holy Spirit that gives us the capacity to not look or to shut down that website, right? It’s the Holy Spirit.
He gives us self-control and this is not self-control through human determination, you will surprise yourself. This one is Holy ghost inspired self-control, amen. Holy Ghost energized self-control.
The Holy Spirit helps us to build character.
And lastly, the Holy Spirit gives us the capacity to solve problems at extraordinary levels, that’s why in 1 Corinthians 12, we have the gifts of the Spirit.
In times like this, you have to be sensitive, you’ve got to be close to the Holy Spirit, have a vital, rich relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Make a choice not to live in sin because sin will separate you from God but maintain a vital relationship with the Holy Spirit and I’m telling you what Satan meant to be the worst of times will be your best of times.
I believe God that your fellowship with the Holy Spirit will be richest during this season, eyes have not seen ears have not heard, it has entered into the heart of any man, the things that God has prepared for those who love him; 1 Corinthians 2 verse 9 and verse 10 says but these things he has revealed unto us by his Spirit.
You will see things generations before you never saw, you will handle the resources they never handled, you will solve problems, they were never able to solve in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
While they are shouting, there is casting down outside, in your own life, in your home, there will be lifting up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
The season of crisis will be your season of promotion.
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